The most wonderful way of doing Color Analysis

Discover the richness and versatility of the Essential Colors system, the most personal and flexible method for Color Analysis available. Say goodbye to rigid color types and boxes and embrace a seamless approach that embraces each individual’s unique characteristics. Capture their essence through the colors you choose for them.

Every person is one of a kind, and that uniqueness takes center stage in this process, as it should. It’s not just about the color palette; it’s about understanding who that unique individual truly is.

⭐️ Someone with soft coloring who exudes strength, power, and outgoing personality is not always served with soft colors.

⭐️ Bold hues may not bring happiness to someone who is sensitive and modest at heart, even when the coloring is striking.

Bring the inside out

The Essential Color system is specifically designed to combine the inner and outer aspects of a client. The color choices will not only look amazing but also feel fantastic. It’s a co-creation between you and your client, where you’ll create a distinctive color palette that allows them to express their true selves. With Essential Colors, you have a unique tool in your hands to refine a palette to perfection.

Personalized Palette

The Essential Colors system is versatile. Whatever skintone your client has, you have everything you need to find her best colors.

In depth training

The Expert Color Training goes beyond learning about colors; it’s about uncovering what truly matters for each specific client. You’ll become a master at color analysis, combining colors and inspiring your clients to develop a truly personal wardrobe that evolves over time.

Empowering your clients, crafting stunning personalized color palettes, and having a solid foundation for your techniques—that’s what the Expert Color Training offers. Plus, in addition to the Essential Colors, you’ll also learn to work with the popular Color Circus system, perfect for quick impressions when time is of the essence.


Is this your moment?

Are you ready to embrace your passion for color and fashion? Seeking a new challenge? Don’t hesitate to send me an email ( or request a personal conversation. I’ll gladly share insights about the profession, the training, and answer all your questions.

The next Expert Color Training starts in September, and there are still spots available to join.

Seize the opportunity and let the world of colors transform your career!