Riet de Vlieger, AICI CIP

Riet de Vlieger, image consultant
Nice to meet you…

My name is Riet de Vlieger.
I have been providing courses for Image Consultants for over 15 years. The profession of the Image Consultant is much richer than I can explain in language. With this work, I increase the success of my customers, the extent to which they have an impact. Customers working on their personal presentation achieve better results without working harder, and they notice a difference in a very short time. Sometimes, right away, sometimes, in a few weeks.

Not just education …

I like thorough work. The training that I provide is composed of the best information and methods that I have gathered over the past 20 years. After my basic education, I followed numerous training programs in the Netherlands, but especially with foreign trainers such as Carla Mathis, Sarah Brummit, Sarah Hathorn and Imogen Lamport.

Riet de Vlieger, The Style Core licenced trainerI did most of my education at Carla Mathis, AICI Certified Image Master. Her book “The Triumph of Individual Style” is used in the USA in universities and fashion schools. The style training that I provide is enriched from the groundbreaking work that Carla has done. The heart of the “Color Expert Training” contains the licenced “Essential Colors” Training.

So far, I am the only Image Consultant in the Netherlands that is certified by AICI.

My work with professional women:

get an impression of my way of working and what drives me …

My background

Verbal Communication

Present yourself

In the first part of my career I was a speech therapist. I worked with children and adults. The voice always had my special interest. That voice has many possibilities; for example, to express your enthusiasm.

Digital tools


I love using digital tools and developing new solutions. I created digital solutions for styling guides, color analysis, presentation on Zoom.

There is always a next step in development of tools.

Nonverbal Communication

Congruency is appreciated

Communication happens in so many ways. Small changes in appearance can have a major effect.

Attitude, use of color, clothing style, your voice and manners are means to increase personal impact. All these aspects are part of my expertise.


A relatively new profession needs support

I am currently the AICI International Past President. I think it is important that the profession of the Image Consultant is getting better known.

Locally I am involved in the development of an AICI network in the Netherlands. Such a network is of great importance since Image Consultants often work alone. My students can participate at an early stage and thus get inspired even further.

My students can participate at an early stage and thus get inspired even further.

Leadership development

I have a healthy ambition for myself and for the profession. In recent years I have developed my own leadership skills, profiling and visibility. Get an impression of the effects:

  • Since 2007, I’ve been an AICI Certified Image Professional, the only one in the Netherlands. Worldwide, there are around 130 Image consultants with this certification.
  • In 2011, I was asked to be a member of the board of the International Board of AICI. For four years I was responsible for the functioning of 26 Chapters. As a board member, I developed a number of important initiatives, from which new results have emerged.
  • In 2012, I was asked to be one of the founding members of IITTI to help develop an international standard for “soft skills”, image and etiquette. This standard is now being rolled out worldwide.
  • In 2014, I was the initiator of GewoonIK, a project to promote the self-confidence of girls (11-15 years). The project lives on in a number of places in the Netherlands and is being carried out by colleagues.
  • In August 2015, I received the AICI President’s Award 2015 for three initiatives within the International Organization during my term of office, which allows AICI to further develop and gain in importance.
  • In January 2016, I received the Karin van Paassen VIP Award 2016 from the Image Professionals Association in the Netherlands for my structural contribution to the profession over many years.
  • In 2016, I was asked to be AICI International President (2017-2019). My current management role is that of AICI Past President.
  • In 2017, I was one of the initiators of an AICI network in the Netherlands.
  • In June 2020 I received the AICI Exceptional Leadership award for my contribution to AICI during 8 year as a Board member. I am proud.
  • In 2022 AICI gave me the AICI Distinguished member status.


Would you like me to think along with you how you could get started as an Image consultant?

Then call to make an appointment. I will gladly take the time for you.